Cloud in a Box: Unprecedented Control and Efficiency in IoT Management, Beyond the Conventional Cloud Infrastructure


In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, companies aspire to have their own network infrastructure while leveraging the power of the Cloud. They are often reluctant to become entirely dependent on existing Cloud providers or Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs).


In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, companies aspire to have their own network infrastructure while leveraging the power of the Cloud. They are often reluctant to become entirely dependent on existing Cloud providers or Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs).

A new offer

With our innovative product Cloud in a Box, we provide seamless connectivity through SIM cards, enabling machines to establish their own networks with our expert assistance. The outcome? A highly adaptable and dynamic Internet of Things (IoT) network that puts you in control.

Key features


You will liberate your company from reliance on large corporations. Enjoy unparalleled benefits that include the following.

All-in-One Solution

With our comprehensive package, you receive everything you need to build a robust and interconnected network. We'll ensure that your machines communicate seamlessly with one another. Our team of experts will handle the intricate details, empowering you to focus on your core business.

Join our ever-growing community of satisfied customers and unlock the true potential of your network. Contact us today to embark on a journey toward unparalleled independence, reliability, scalability, optimized data usage, and superior pricing.


Staex GmbH
Paksy Plackis-Cheng, CSO
c/o Unicorn
Am Neuen Markt 9 e-f
14467 Potsdam

Staex logo.

Staex is a secure public network for IoT devices that can not run a VPN such as smart meters, IP cameras, and EV chargers. Staex encrypts legacy protocols, reduces mobile data usage, and simplifies building networks with complex topologies through its unique multi-hop architecture. Staex is fully zero-trust meaning that no traffic is allowed unless specified by the device owner which makes it more secure than even some private networks. With this, Staex creates an additional separation layer to provide more security for IoT devices on the Internet, also protecting other Internet services from DDoS attacks that are usually executed on millions of IoT machines.

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