Secure IoT massive deployment and management with Atrebo and Staex


Atrebo and Staex join forces to secure IoT operations.

Atrebo is a specialized software development company that develops TREE, a solution for the digital transformation in critical infrastructure management. With more than 200.000 sites managed, Atrebo has been helping global companies achieve operational excellence for 13 years.

Atrebo helps adopting IoT to anticipate incidents on assets and infrastructure. Using remote monitoring, providing quality of service, and improving the network availability while managing preventive and corrective maintenance, and collecting all the readings. It takes care of the infrastructure hassles and enables the creation of any kind of application on top (e.g., smart infrastructure, smart parking, air quality, traffic, smart waste management…).

Atrebo and Staex architecture.

Staex, zero-trust network for IoT that allows IP cameras, electric vehicle chargers, and other devices and machines that cannot run a VPN to become part of the secure public network.

Staex reduces mobile data costs, running on the smallest Linux-based devices with limited resources while using state-of-the-art cryptography to protect their mission-critical data. This secure IoT-backed network enables businesses to build new revenue streams with other partners within days.

Atrebo and Staex are members of the Tower Automation Alliance.


Contact us for more information.

  • Atrebo
    Leonardo da Vinci, 18, 41092 Seville. Spain.

  • Staex
    Paksy Plackis-Cheng, CSO
    c/o Unicorn
    Am Neuen Markt 9 e-f
    14467 Potsdam

Staex logo.

Staex is a secure public network for IoT devices that can not run a VPN such as smart meters, IP cameras, and EV chargers. Staex encrypts legacy protocols, reduces mobile data usage, and simplifies building networks with complex topologies through its unique multi-hop architecture. Staex is fully zero-trust meaning that no traffic is allowed unless specified by the device owner which makes it more secure than even some private networks. With this, Staex creates an additional separation layer to provide more security for IoT devices on the Internet, also protecting other Internet services from DDoS attacks that are usually executed on millions of IoT machines.

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